Local Middle Schoolers go to Summer Basketball Camps
Zoey Weaver
Blakeley Perkins

Blakeley Perkins, attended the Roy Williams Carolina Basketball Camp in June at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Zoey Weaver attended the NC State Basketball Camp.

“These scholarships offer a wonderful chance for aspiring athletes to immerse themselves in college life and gain insights from mentors within their beloved NCAA athletic programs,” remarked Winston Howell, CEO of Edgecombe-Martin County EMC. “We take pride in upholding the tradition of empowering exceptional local students with avenues to refine fundamental skills essential for success both on the court and in academics.”
Perkins and Weaver secured the all-expense paid scholarships through a rigorous application process, which evaluated their academic prowess, community engagement, and passion for sports. During the camp, participants resided in campus dormitories and collaborated with coaches to enhance their basketball abilities while fostering teamwork.

This marks the 19th consecutive year that North Carolina’s Touchstone Energy cooperatives have sponsored promising individuals to attend the Roy Williams camp. The cooperatives’ collaboration with universities not only offers a distinctive blend of education and athletics but also aligns with Touchstone Energy’s core principles of accountability, integrity, innovation, and community dedication.